leroy mckenzie, jr.

Leroy C. Mckenzie Jr. is a native Baltimorean and a product of the Baltimore Public and Private school systems. He received his Bachelor of Science degree in Hotel/Restaurant Management from the University of Maryland Eastern Shore. He is the President/CEO of JNF Enterprises, which is a publishing, and business consulting firm located in Baltimore, Maryland. He is also a contributing writer for several magazines and serves on the board of the Women Offering Wealth (W.O.W.) Organization, Black Professional Men, Inc., Ultimate Biz Conference, and The Mckenzie Pantry Foundation.
The Power of A Man
As men, we oftentimes go unappreciated or even taken for granted. We are called upon to step up and be providers, protectors, fathers, financial advisors, creative consultants, legacy builders, and the stabling force for the family. The question is how does a man do these things and where does he turn to in order to be whom others are depending on him to be? The power lies within you and in this book, you will come to understand how to tap into the power that you have as a man and live in your purpose as a man. When you walk in your understanding of being a man you begin to understand THE POWER OF A MAN…