Dwight deramus, jr.
Dwight E. DeRamus, Jr. is President/CEO of Trey Nickel Publishing and author of books Disappearing Dads and A Slice of Truth. He has a passion to communicate personal growth, family relationships, and men issues for the family. With that purpose in mind, Dwight seeks to give parents the tools and resources they need to be deepened spiritually, strengthen their marriages and relationships with their children, and reach out to men and women on improving personal development to enhance relationships with others. Dwight encourages young people to make sound decisions, to take their lives in the right direction. He has also presented multiple workshops and took part in discussion panels to a variety of audiences. He holds master’s degrees from Chicago State and Governors State universities.
Disappearing Dads examines how weak or absent fathers cripple the ability of both sons and daughters to reach their own identity and define their roles in healthy relationships. Disappearing Dads helps families to understand the impact of fatherlessness in our homes, churches, and communities. The impact creates wounds in our relationships with others, chaos in communities, and a continuation of generational curses. This book is a must-read for everyone. Disappearing Dads will lead you on a journey from brokenness to restoration.